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Get started this year with projects. Projects will help your photography and your style. If you do decide to do some projects this year, make sure that you give yourself a deadline to complete the assignment. Not sure what projects you would like to do? Well…let’s get started by entering some contests. That’s right, contests. What better way to get started? They all come with deadlines attached, so you do not have to strain your brain to decide how long your project should take.

While you’re doing some of these contests, it gives you a time to look at what elements you think are important in your photography that will help set you apart from the crowd. What elements in the photograph do you you feel are important to you?. Is it the color, the graphic representation, some special lighting characteristic, brightness, or even going to the darkside? Which are special parts of the photograph that says it is you?

This may not all happen at once, but as it grows, you will know what you like and what you do not like as you photograph it. At this point, you will be more able to build a portfolio that represents you and your photography. You will be more able to weed out weak photos and you will find that your portfolio will take on a life of its own.